Friday 25 March 2011

Honouring the Goddess Hekate

A personal reflection of ritual experience & contribution: Hekate- Her Sacred Fires

“... And in her breath the echoes of Chthonia plume
Like icy dragons to wreath thy brow in gilded crown.
Doth the tempest-kissed night shroud thy mysteries?
Do the four winds howl in cacophony to the resonance of your name?
Lanterns beguiled by moon-dancing in the stygian cauldron of your eyes;
...Snake-entwined O’Lady of midnight, darkness and light.”

A Brief Introduction to Hekate: Connected to all three stages of life- fertilization/birth, opening the womb for all living creatures; mistress of all gates, doors and the abyss, symbol of the feminine womb. The Great Midwife- Guardian of women in childbirth who can also cut the cord to welcome life and also that of death, the Guardian of the Waters which separate worlds, Opener of the Way, Goddess of Rebirth, the Crossroads and of Healing, Hekate, ‘The Mighty Mother’ is a Goddess of tremendous antiquity and integrity; litigious, archaic, sometimes animalistic yet in addition to this possesses a superlative ‘natural’ elegance. Adored and feared, she makes us question the motives of our own inner light and darkness- she awakens us to the concept of accepting both of these forces and elements, bringing them together in dual balance and to walk in the liminal (the threshold of what is between). Hekate Trivia, ‘the Three Ways’, her triformic form with the three heads all looking three ways, sometimes depicted as beautiful women, beasts (dog, snake and frog) or the age process from Maiden to Crone.

“I dance on the moon with the stars in my hair; the night encompasses me like a shroud of raven's plumes.
The wind is my voice, the sea my tears and the sun is my ever illuminating crown of glory.
The earth is my womb and from it springs all life...from darkness to light, death to creation”
- Amber~Rose
The Contribution- HEKATE: Her Sacred Fires: When Sorita D’Este contacted me in regards to the acceptance of my essay- to express I was merely thrilled or caught in the rhapsody of enthusiasm would be a total understatement on my behalf. To be able to share how Hekate had touched my life on countless occasions. To heal my own grief, and the wounds of the heart in order to finally say farewell, a word and sentiment that up until that point I had not been capable of achieving. ‘Tattered Shards’ was an extremely personal and challenging essay for me to write, it aroused many emotions on variable levels. Writing on a personal anecdote based on Hekate’s influence demanded a challenge of me and anything less would not be accepted. My focus of choice stripped me bare, naked and torn, placing my heart, my soul and my life out there for the world to see. It was not about being internationally published, it was more of a resolution of suppressed emotions, feelings and tears that I had to resolve, to pay homage not only to my Mother Hekate but also to that of my deceased son. Many times I broke down in tears or became angry at myself, then had to find my way back to some semblance of rational poise and serenity. ‘Tattered Shards’ is an account of warning and awareness, that it is easy for some to sit back and criticize the actions or lack thereof when looking from the other side of the mirror- but trying the shoes on only to discover blisters. To live it and passively realize it isn’t so peachy. HEKATE: Her Sacred Fires was a blessing to me, to share these encounters of inspiration, tribulation, revelation, loss, success and triumph with numerous talented artists and writers from all over the world, all on different paths but all who shared one poignant factor: Hekate.

I discovered countless experiences within the book I could relate to even recognized as similarity. Some were trials of patience, endurance, realization and spirit. Events that did not just test faith but also the self, to trust your self can be one of the hardest things to break down and examine- most of us tend to scrutinize ourselves, our abilities and mold them into a web of personal doubt. Then there were accounts whose beauty simply leapt from the pages providing insights, invocations, dreams, and philosophies, revelations of knowledge, wisdom, magick, ceremonial bonds and profound imagery that leapt from every page to accompany the essays. Words, individual fires of description and narration ablaze in reminiscence of the torches erupting from the darkness; the flowers of the psyche abloom in illustration of multi-faceted perception to lead us home, back to the embrace of Hekate. These blessed journeys from Darkness to Light, Light to Darkness made by all of us along the path of life- myself certainly amongst the fragments of the spaces twixt reality and a nightmare. Then discovering the light inside the darkness to find the strength to travel a new path and seek absolution for and from myself. To face my demons and make my peace with them, to accept that all life experiences are milestones, not a setback or a curse, to see the best in all things ahead and strive to be the best that I can be, both on the humanity side and the spiritual. Hekate is appropriate for those who do not look for quick fixes, and those willing to face even the darker aspects of the soul and their situations. I found my way and I am thankful each and every day for the guidance given and those who travel the way alongside me.

The Rite: The Rite of Her Sacred Fires written by Sorita D’Este was written as a dedication of gratitude to the Goddess Hekate for her inspiration and aid throughout the compilation and bringing together of Hekate: Her Sacred Fires project. The ceremony was conducted on the 27th of May 2010 which coincided with the Full Moon and release of the book. The rite intended for those who wished to worship the Goddess Hekate and dedicate themselves towards a greater comprehension of her mysteries. Over 2000 people worldwide dedicated themselves to the participation of this rite in solitary reverence or group workings. I participated on a solitary level, having prepared at least a fortnight prior to the date. There was much preparation to be made, fresh flowers chosen (in my case white lilies), the symbol of death and often placed on the graves of young innocents.

The altar draped in red to represent the life’s blood, manifestation, power, passion & the energy we all possess. Adornments included red, black and silver candles plus one white pillar candle anointed with Hekate Oil. Offerings of lime, Greek Plakous (Flat Bread), Goat Cheese & Roast meat, garlic, pomegranate and raw almonds and libation of blue flames. Dragons, antique skeleton keys, keys, symbols, incenses all adorned this dazzling commemoration to the honour of Hekate. All throughout the rite/ceremony I felt Hekate’s presence, even the aftermath of the days which followed. This entire experiences being one of the most substantial encounters of my life, it has touched me on multiple levels from mourning to complete joy; the journey has granted me the healing required in moving ahead with my life without obstacles and inhibitions. To seek the unknown and be glad for all the mysteries in all things plus a passionate reverence for nature and the love for all living things... to reach for the stars and embrace the moon.

“I cast upon, a mirror reflection of darkness dancing with the moon; from earth of shore and to the raging sea.
I shine in the darkness; I welcome you into my arms as a mother would her child...
For you all are my 'spirit' children, my 'spirit' daughter and my spirit ‘sons’
And I have come to take you home.”

Thank you to Sorita from the bottom of my heart, you have given me much and so much more to look forward to in the future, you are a constant credit and inspiration to us all.