'Neath the opalescent Moon, basking in the silvery brilliance of that omnipotent radiance. The Priestess, the beloved, the dedicated servant and daughter of the beauteous one, the Great Mother of the Primal: "Who am I to be seen in your eyes? Who am I to be seen in my eyes? What shall be the symbol of such fondness, this adoration I express for you?" So she, The Creatrix of Life, Mistress of Death... answered her daughter, her most sacred of children. Bending down, her cold lips gently pressed to the ear. A radiant opalescent flame of rhombus-diamond tendrils- like vines of everlasting affection for all of Nature embraced within those earthy hands upon the ground shrouded by the essence of night.
Her bountiful physique in convex to accept respect and veneration, for the love of lovers & the soft tender velveteen white roses whose thorns never perforated the flesh, nor caused sanguine drops through flesh like the fountain of life that could spring from her veins, rubies of rain. Her mellifluous step not hurting the delicate vegetation beneath her soft step: "You know who you are within my eyes for the image is the same as you see within yours! We are one and one the same, one heart, one soul and one mind. The sign shall be my dark ecstasy, my blazing torches shall adorn your way- the awareness of the permanence of continuation, the omnipotence and embodiment of my body, my blessed Universal womb which houses all life and cradles all of darknesses in order for it to be born into the light".